


In order to play our game, you need to follow a 2-phase procedure, described below.

I. Itch or Steam account creation & client installation + download of the game and

II. Website registration & Initial Assessment (Quiz 1) [UPDATE: NO LONGER REQUIRED]

*if you already have an Itch/Steam account, please follow the steps described below.
*if you do not have an Itch/Steam account, please go to the Installation Guide (Game Manual) page and follow the steps described there.

Once the game started, you will have to go through the 2-phase procedure: Website registration & Initial Assessment. Please see the video or text description below. 


Step 1. Once the game started, you will have to either Log In or Register. If you already have a Spirit of Europe account, you can enter your credentials. If instead, you want to create a new account, you can use the “Register” option which will direct you to the Spirit of Europe – Origins website.

Step 2. Once you accessed www.thespiritofeurope.eu, use the “Register” button on the top right part of the page to get started.

Step 3. After pressing the “Register” button, you will be greeted by the registration page. Here, you have to enter a username, a password as well as some extra details like your e-mail address, your first name and surname etc. Once you are done, press “Create my new account”.

*Note that your password MUST CONTAIN one upper case letter(s), one number and at least one non-alphanumeric character such as #, ^, $.

Step 4. After creating a new account, an email will be sent to you prompting you to “activate” your account. Please check your SPAM folder as well, since sometimes our emails get there. Access the link for your account to be activated.

Step 5. Congratulations! You have managed to create a new account. After confirming your account, you will be prompted by the Login page. To continue, enter your credentials and click the “Log In” button.

Step 6. Once logged in, you are automatically enrolled in the module/course, you can see the content here: https://thespiritofeurope.eu/course/view.php?id=2.

Step 7. You need to attempt and finish the Initial Assessment. The quiz contains 20 questions with only one correct answer. To start the quiz, press the TAKE QUIZ button on the main page of the website/course and then click the “Attempt quiz now” button.

Step 8. You will be presented with a random question from the “Question Bank”. You only have one single correct answer per question. After selecting your answer, continue with the next question and so on. Once you are done press the "Finish attempt" button in the right-down corner of the page.

*Note that the questions and answers are always shuffled.

Step 9. After you finished the Initial Assessment, you can now Log In using your credentials in the Spirit of Europe - Origins game.

Step 10. Once you successfully finish the game, please complete the Final Assessment and the Game feedback form in order to get your Certificate

Thank you!

Optional - Walkthroughs - SPOILER Alert!

If you encounter progression difficulties, we prepared quick, official walkthroughs for the first levels/maps.

Map 1. Times immemorial - Eleusis Temple

Map 2. Ancient Greece – Village of Eleusis

Map 3. Ancient Greece – Athens

Map 4. Times immemorial - Ancient Greece

Map 5. Classical Greece - Athens

Map 6. Roman Republic - Gades

Map 7. The Roman Empire – Pax Romana

Map 8. Times immemorial – Roman Emperors

Map 9. The Roman Empire – Christianity

Map 10. Dark Ages – Migrations

Map 11. Dark Ages - The Viking Age

Map 12. High Medieval Period – Magna Carta

Map 13. Renaissance

These short videos have combat sections removed and we did not include soul shard pick-ups/usage.

Other walkthroughs may follow, depending on community requests.